Too often birders only pay attention to local or regional birds, forgetting that there are more than 10,000 bird species in the world. Maj. Randel...
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is anything but great for birds. According to USA Today, the patch - an area in the Pacific Ocean where flotsam... Ho riscontrato questo sito che contiene fotografie di varie specie di uccelli. A...
Mona Webster, a British opera lover and birder, died in August at the age of 96 and the contents of her will have been announced. According to the...
Any birder who has watched the bizarre mating rituals of different birds understands the importance of dance for attracting a mate, and now those... Vi segnalo questo sito nel quale si vedono splendide foto di aquile, avvoltoi e gufi.
Give your backyard birds a treat this Halloween weekend with some tasty kitchen scraps, homemade suet, fresh nectar or just the best birdseed you can...
Two men who pled guilty to killing and decapitating more than 30 birds at the Temuka Bird Zoo in New Zealand in August have been sentenced, according...
An extensive study of 30,000 square kilometers (11,500 square miles) of northern Victoria has revealed that many Australian bird species are in...
According to Reuters, Sprint and the National Audubon Society have teamed up to offer 28 unique bird calls as ringtones for Sprint customers. Songs...
Sparrows are too often overlooked by birders who consider them just "little brown jobs" that aren't always worthy of note. This week's featured bird,...
AMBIENTE: ACCORDO ABU DHABI-ONU PER PROTEZIONE DUGONGO (ANSAmed) - DUBAI - La realizzazione di un centro regionale ad Abu Dhabi per la protezione...
This month marks the 20th year that the Augusta Bird Club has offered an annual birdseed sale, not only to give birders a great deal on different...
Alcuni scatti fatti dalle mie finestre,gli ultimi sono di oggi,il codirosso e il pettirosso, da qualche giorno mi fanno visita perche sanno che...
According a recent study available through PLoS ONE, the mighty tyrannosaurus rex frequently suffered from trichomonosis, a bacterial infection that...
More than 160 new species have been discovered in the Mekong River region of southeast Asia in the past year, according to Among them is a...
Chi indovina cosa sono?? (Nome scientifico preciso) (*) Foto 1: (*)...
Notizia ansa: SEQUESTRO CARDELLINI PER 25MILA € NEL NAPOLETANO, DUE DENUNCE Operazione antibracconaggio questa mattina in provincia di Napoli. ...
An avian botulism outbreak is responsible for the deaths of 20,000-50,000 birds at the Great Salt Lake, according to an Associated Press story....
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